Filetted pancetta

This cylindrical cured meat can be defined as a real work of art: many parts of the pork belly are in fact deprived of fat and replaced with lean parts. Obtaining a uniform and compact product is not something everyone can do.

Cut of meat: a “collage” of various types of meat with a perfect balance between fatty and lean parts.

Processing: hand-stitched with special, very strong steel needles and tied with elastic string to keep it as compact as possible. After being put into the drying chambers, where it remains for a minimum of 20 days from the salting date, it moves on to the maturing phase.

Weight: from 4.80 kg to 5.80 kg.

Organoleptic properties: sweet and delectable.

Eating suggestions: delicious together with a soft slice of warm focaccia, perhaps garnished with some excellent gorgonzola.