Ingredients for 4 people:
300 g of sliced potatoes, 400 g of boiled potatoes, 1 spring onion of about 100 g., 60 g of egg yolk, salt and pepper to taste, Pancetta Piacentina DOP San Bono in slices.
Mash the boiled potatoes with a potato masher. Lightly sauté the thinly sliced onion in extra-virgin olive oil and then add to the mashed potatoes.
Add the egg yolks, salt and pepper. Spread a sheet of clingfilm on the table, form a layer of raw potatoes sliced with a potato slicer, cover with a layer of mashed and seasoned potatoes, finally add the slices of Pancetta Piacentina DOP San Bono and the rosemary.
Roll the clingfilm up tightly to form a roulade and put in the freezer for 15 minutes.
Brown the roulades thus obtained in a pan with oil to make the potatoes crisp, drain on kitchen paper, add salt and pepper to taste.
Using a sharp knife, cut the sushi into 3 cm pieces.
Serve them side by side on chervil leaves drizzled with extra virgin olive oil.
Photo courtesy of Consorzio salumi DOP Piacentini